
Hi, I’m Didi Paterno.

Writer, Tarot Card Reader

and Vedic astrologer in learning.

I always wanted to be a storyteller. I incorporated this dream in my over a decade of a career in advertising – learning about consumers, strategizing how to connect with them, coming up with big creative media ideas and bringing them to life. But that life didn’t end up as a straight line.

Navigate the space between with grace, guidance and hope.

I taught myself how to read tarot, oracle and Lenormand cards to save myself from drowning in a time of great uncertainty and distress. I share this gift to provide the same guidance and hope I received – to help others float and swim through the overwhelming spaces of anxious thoughts and emotions.

Didi Paterno seated cross legged with throw pillows on her lap. Atop the pillow, she holds a deck of Angel oracle cards in her right hand. She smiles behind her glasses.

It took me on a detour. I uprooted myself from my homeland, the Philippines, to join my husband and start a life together in Dubai, UAE and now Texas, USA. Like many of you during the pandemic, life pushed a hard reset on me, forcing me to take a hard look at it and reevaluate my priorities.

Didi, seated on the floor with pillows and a blanket, smiling, holding a pen to a blank notebook.

Learn about the stars with me

I am starting my journey as a Vedic astrologer. It is also known as “Jyotish” in Sanskrit or the “Science of Light”, the ancient science of studying the planets and stars. It is also called sidereal astrology as it focuses on the “fixed” stars.

To learn more, I need more charts to read. Because of this, I choose to give your Vedic astrology birth chart – the snapshot of the sky when you were born – for FREE.

Vedic astrology can be confusing!

But I’m here for you.

I eventually returned to my love and gift of writing, taking the wisdom of many lives lived, loves loved and lost and hats worn across continents as a Filipina of the diaspora. I write stories through the lens of the immigrant with a strong affinity to identity, history, tradition and culture.

  • Didi's Essay on Thrillist on an introduction to Filipino Food
  • Didi Paterno's Profile on Silver Spoon Restaurant in Allen TX
  • Didi Paterno's Guide to Filipino Snacks and Drinks for Thrillist
  • Didi Paterno's list of Indian Restaurants in DFW for Eater Dallas
  • Didi Paterno's essay on Rappler entitled "It's OK to Clap When the Plane Lands"
  • Didi Paterno's Vietnamese Restaurant Map for Eater Dallas
  • Didi Paterno's essay on Rappler entitled "Life as an OFW: The Grass is not always greener"
  • Didi Paterno's update on Eater Dallas' Chinese Restaurant Map
  • Didi Paterno's essay about long distance love  on Rappler entitled "A Letter to the one I left behind"

Too many times I’ve been in the spaces in between, so I hope to help others find, share and step themselves into the limelight through words and stories, the cards and the stars. Get weekly updates, stories and learn about the meaning of tarot cards by signing up to my newsletter.

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